Something Like Olivia
No question, the best song on the album and one of Mayer's all-time bests. In many ways it's just a standard blues song, however the vocal tone and harmonies really bring out the beauty of Mayer's lyrics. It's such a simple love song - and I'm a sucker for each and every one of them. I remember when I bought the album, I think I played this song about ten times before advancing to the next track. It also contains an extremely tasteful organ part throughout the song that I need to start using as a blueprint for comping.
Born and Raised

Love is A Verb
I love simple love songs and this is pretty much the definition. It's such a simple idea that you start to wonder why no one has thought of it before this moment. Whenever I do have children of my own they will never know songs like "Row Your Boat". They will be sung to sleep with beautiful songs such as this.
All in all, it's the first country influenced album I've ever really enjoyed. Granted, the songs I picked are not the most country tracks on the album. However, these are the tracks that stuck out to me the most. Other standouts are 'Queen of California' and 'Whiskey, Whiskey, Whiskey'. Mayer's lyrics on this album are among his best. Sometimes when musicians go out of the comfort zone you applaud them for it because they're growing as an artist, but when that's not the first thing you think about then they've truly done it right. At it's core it's another John Mayer album.
Tomorrow's album: Duke Ellington's Ellington at Newport (1956)