If Paul McCartney models 'Lady Madonna' after you, you must have done something well. Fats was influential not only to McCartney but to Lennon, Willie Nelson, Norah Jones, Neil Young, and Elton John and others. Domino has led a very interesting life and has left a lasting impression on the music industry.
Love Me
A great example of the rockabilly piano that still works today. While the right hand of the piano may never stop, the chords just keep comin'. My only complaint about the song is that it's just too short. It's got such a great feel to it, "If you love me you won't let me go." It's such a simple, yet effective, plea. Then there's that sexy, soulful sax solo...
It's You
I think this is his best vocal track on the record. He sings in a little lower register at times and has such a rich, warm tone. The song is carried by a quick step by the drums with a walking bass line that really allows the vocals and sax solo to ring out loud and clear.

Where Did You
While at times some of the songs can run together, this is a standout track. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person that makes trumpet sounds with his mouth. While most of the tracks on this album are dated, this is one of the more modern songs on the album. Very cool.
This was written in the era of short songs and all 12 of these tracks clock in at a whopping 25 minutes. So while it may be short, to a degree it works in it's favor. I definitely enjoyed the album, but I can't listen to too much 50's rock and roll without needing to hear something a little more modern. There's no doubt of Fats' influence on rock and roll and while there are a few stand out tracks that stand the test of time, for the most part it's a good lesson in music history.
This album was chosen from the book '1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die' 5/1001
Tomorrow's album: John Mayer's Born and Raised (2012)
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