I've been reviewing albums at a break neck speed while staring at the ocean, but since it'll be over in a few days - it's time to pull out some of my absolute favorites. This is Cullum's best album. Why he's not bigger in the states - I'll never know. He's jazz pop made with 100% jazz and 100% pop.
I love the simple piano for the verse that also makes an appearance in the prechorus. The track has the a fluidness to it that very few songs possess, it's seamless. The music reflects the lyrics when "The wheels are falling off the world," the track just gets bigger and bigger.
Don't Stop The Music
This is the definition of an amazing cover. It sounds nothing like Rihanna's version, it sounds as if Cullum wrote it himself. I don't dislike the original, but Jamie found all the redeeming qualities and scrapped the rest. If you enjoy Rihanna's version, this is a must listen.
I Think I Love
This is the type of song that made me fall in love with Cullum. It's unmistakeably crooner music with a more modern set of lyrics. "You threw up in the taxi cab on the way home." Then again, it stays true to the genre. It creates such a warm feeling with just strings, piano, and vocals. An absolutely brilliant song.
All in all, what a cool album. It's all over the spectrum of jazz and pop and plenty of in between. However, the best moments is when Cullum is glued next to his keyboard. I just want to see him live so I can be there for the end of "Mixtape" - I'm sure the crowd goes nuts. Jamie makes the piano such a cool instrument, this may not be in the top 10 albums of all time, but it's surely in my top 25 favorites.
Tomorrow's album: Booker T and the MG's Green Onion.
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